Square and Compass with Wreath
Small Square & Compass
Millbrook Lodge 281
Officers for 2006
Small Square & Compass

Worshipful Master Cole Presley
Master's Jewel Worshipful Master
Cole Presley P.M.
The Master opens and governs his Lodge. In due time, he sets the Craft at Work, and gives them the necessary instruction whereby they may pursue their labors.
warden-s.gif (272 bytes) Senior Warden
Joel Lovesee
The Senior Warden assists the Master in opening and closing his Lodge. He pays the Craft their Wages, if any be due.
warden-j.gif (227 bytes) Junior Warden
Russ Ingle.
The Junior Warden observes the time to call the Craft from Labor to Refreshment, and from Refreshment to Labor again.
Treasurer's Jewel Treasurer
Mort Plunkett P.M.
The Treasurer receives all money from the Secretary, keeps a just and accurate account thereof, and pays the same out by order of the Master, with the consent of the Lodge.
Secretary's Jewel Secretary
Mark Neihaus.
The Secretary observes the will and pleasure of the Master, keeps a faithful record of all things proper to be written, transmits a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge when required, receives all money from the Brethren, pays the same to the Treasurer and takes his receipt therefor.
Chaplain's Jewel Chaplain
Clair Legere P.M.
The Chaplain teaches us from the life-giving precepts of the Volume of Sacred Law which adorns our Altar. He performs those solemn services which we should constantly render to our Great Creator, thus preparing us for admission into the society of the Blessed in the realms of Life and Light eternal.
Senior Deacon's Jewel Senior Deacon
Alex Leslie P.M.
The Senior Deacon carries orders from the Master to the Senior Warden and elsewhere about the Lodge as required, attends to all alarms at the door and conducts Candidates and introduces and accommodates visiting Brethren.
Junior Deacon's Jewel Junior Deacon
Casey Cooper
The Junior Deacon carries messages from the Senior Warden to the Junior Warden and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed, attends to all alarms at the door and sees the Lodge duly tiled.
Senior Steward's Jewel Senior Steward
Gene West 
The Senior Steward's principal function is to prepare Candidates for admission. He also performs those duties which Masonic tradition has assigned him on days of procession.
Junior Steward's Jewel Junior Steward
Everett McWilliams
The Junior Deacon's principal function is to assist the Senior Steward in preformance of his duties and any other duty assigned by the Master.
Tiler's Jewel Tiler
Duane Nichol P.M.
The Tiler observes the approach of Cowans and Eavesdroppers, and sees that none pass, or repass, without permission of the Master.
Marshal's Jewel Marshal
Fred Pratt P.M.
Under the direction of the Master, the Marshal takes charge of all processions of the Lodge.
Small Square & Compass
Small Square & Compass
Small Square & Compass
